Wednesday, December 5, 2007

chuck is sick

When Close uses the photos to make paintings in the grid template, it produces such an incredible aesthetic experience. The collage like paintings are fascinating, specifically how he uses a grid pattern to fill rectangles separately with different colors, patterns and shapes. This meticulous process produces an amazing result of a beautifully distorted image. It really pushes his medium of using both photography and painting in a unique and innovative directions. Close's variations on color and shape emphasizes the nuanced intricacies of his work, where subject matter seems to become secondary. I think this offers a wonderful perspective on images, in which distortion is achieved through this tremendous method of composing what is more than a picture.

I'm intrigued about his use of materials and methods of making these photorealist works. His paintings are incredible, and I think part of what provides this value is the fact that they look like photographs. His work is so tremendous and I like how a lot of his work revolves around the idea of a relatively, close-up portrait. What makes it interesting is how he uses a variety of mediums and methods to achieve an amazing amount of variation in his work. It's about how he composes the final work, rather than what he is ultimately depicting. His use of black and white is captivating in how he is able to show the lighting and details of the face with the different variations of brushstrokes he uses, such as below in "Georgia Fingerprint." The reason there are tools on computers to chuck-ify images is because Close is the man and a true innovater.

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