Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"When you photograph people in color, you are photographing their clothes. When you photograph them in B&W, you photograph their souls." -Ted Grant

Shooting color has been a very different change of pace for me, as my experience with photography has only dealt with black and white. While I believe that there is a certain quality and purity to black and white, where you are forced to work with the 6 or 7 shades of middle gray that silver gelatin offers. However, I disagree with Grant’s notion of the constraining effect that color has on photographs. The rich and vibrant hues that you can achieve shooting digital opens up a new spectrum of possibility. Color allows for different dynamics to be achieved in pictures, adding dimensions that are possible with working with all colors of the spectrum. Color can breathe life into a picture in a different way that working with black and white can, but I like how I’m not convinced either way… Grant’s quote is captivating.

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