Monday, November 26, 2007


Making panoramas presented new issues that I hadn't encountered yet in this class. It required a clear plan and specific direction to work in. Coordinating shooting, costumes and locations presented issues that I haven't had to consider before generally. I wish we had printed much larger, but I was happy with the print quality that we had. I think it would have been more effective if we had found more cohesive transitions between the different scenes, in terms of aesthetically and the narrative behind it. I think if I had been in the panorama more than once, it could have pushed the narrative a bit further and been more effective. I also think if we could've lined up a shot of the road with the cematary the transition would have been smoother. I enjoyed working with Hilary, and I think that we came up with a solid idea together. Making panoramas was really satisfying, and I think that there is a lot of potential behind this. It also helped to spark some ideas for my final project. That was nice.

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